Prospecting is the process of identifying and reaching out to potential customers. It can also be used as a verb to describe the practice of investigating new markets without any immediate plans for commercial development. If you’re running a retail business, you might have noticed that word « prospect » popping up in your marketing materials. This shows just how important this practice is for modern businesses.
Quatre étapes pour améliorer la prospection
Retailers need to have a good knowledge of their customers in order to prospect them effectively. This Webinar will provide a detailed overview of how to improve your customer knowledge so you can prospect local residents more effectively.
Comment transformer la prospection en une activité créative
Retailers need to be able to effectively identify and target their most profitable clients in order to continue growing their businesses. This can be a difficult task, but with the right tools and strategies, it can be accomplished. In this webinar, we’ll discuss how retailers can improve their knowledge of their customers in order to better prospect locally. We’ll also provide tips on how to create an effective sales process that will result in more business for you. Register now and don’t miss out!
A partir de quel moment la prospection devient une priorité ?
Retailers need to have a good understanding of their customers in order to prospect them effectively. This Webinar will teach you how to improve your knowledge of your customers so that you can prospect them more locally.
Comment optimiser votre budget d’investissement pour mieux prospecter?
Retailers need to be able to understand their customer’s needs in order to better prospect localally. This webinar will provide an overview of how retailers can use customer data to improve their knowledge of their customers and make more informed decisions about product assortment and marketing activities.
Prospecter localement : les outils simples et avantages
Le webinar « Retail : comment améliorer sa connaissance client pour mieux prospecter localement ? » est une occasion formidable pour obtenir des informations complètes sur les stratégies et moyens possibles de prospection locale, ainsi que des bonnes pratiques à adopter. Ce webinar est gratuit et débutera à partir de 19h00 (heure de Paris). Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici.
Retailers et entrepreneurs ont toujours besoin de mieux connaître leurs clients pour améliorer la qualité du service fourni. Voici un webinar qui vous enseignera comment améliorer votre connaissance des client(e)s localement grâce à une approche collaborative. Cet événement est gratuit et débutera à 19 h (heure de Québec). Alors réservez-vous rapidement!